Asynchronous Queue with fine-grained control over concurrency

Sources: y9san9/aqueue
📊 Status: Stable
🚀 Type: Kotlin Libraries

Useful for cases when you need to combine asynchronous and synchronous behaviour in your services.

A good example of such behaviour is processing messages in telegram bot. Messages in such case should be processed in parallel. However, if there are multiple messages received from the same user, they must be processed consequently.


suspend fun main() {
    val natural = flow {
        var number = 0
        while (true) emit(number++)
    }.take(count = 10)
    // This will be executed in roughly 1 second,
    // because every key is unique.
    // Every action will run in parallel.
        key = { it },
        action = { delay(1_000) }
    // This will be executed in roughly 10 seconds,
    // because all keys are the same.
    // Every action will run consecutively.
        key = { Unit },
        action = { delay(1_000) }
    // This will be executed in roughly 5 seconds,
    // because the key is either 0 or 1.
    // There would be 2 consecutive queues:
    // - For even numbers
    // - For odd numbers
    // Two queues cut time from 10 seconds to 5 seconds
        key = { it % 2 },
        action = { delay(1_000) }
    // This will be executed in roughly 1 second because of single-threaded pool
    val singleThreadedQueue = AQueue.fixedThreadPool(numberOfThreads = 1, name = "Test")
        queue = singleThreadedQueue,
        action = {